Pages linking to disambiguation pages

The following pages contain at least one link to a disambiguation page. They may need to link to a more appropriate page instead.
A page is treated as a disambiguation page if it contains the tag __DISAMBIG__ (or an equivalent alias).

ᥑᥨᥝᥲ ᥛᥧᥢᥰ ᥚᥣᥭᥱ ᥘᥒᥴ ᥘᥭᥳ ᥛᥢᥰ ᥑᥛᥴ ᥝᥭᥳ ᥕᥧᥱ ᥖᥤ ᥘᥬᥰ ᥓᥣᥐ ᥘᥦᥰ ᥛᥢᥰ ᥙᥥᥢ ᥟᥣᥙᥳ ᥖᥥᥖᥳ 14:51, 4 ᥖᥤᥱ ᥔᥦᥛᥱ ᥙᥣᥱ 2024. 14:51, 4 ᥖᥤᥱ ᥔᥦᥛᥱ ᥙᥣᥱ 2024 ᥚᥩᥢᥰ ᥘᥭᥲ ᥖᥒᥰ ᥘᥛᥴ ᥟᥢ ᥘᥛᥴ ᥖᥤ ᥔᥧᥖᥴ ᥛᥢᥰ ᥘᥢᥳ ᥛᥤᥰ ᥝᥭᥳ ᥕᥧᥱ ᥖᥤ ᥘᥬᥰ ᥑᥦᥖᥳ.

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